Nemám čo obkecávať, snáď len to poviem, že sa na nich už neviem dočkať :)
Na záver, jedna z vrcholových scén 5.dielu s názvom I'll protect you od talentovanej may12324
A ja odchádzam písať ďalšie články s vierou, že tých, čo SB ešte nečítali obrázok nespoileroval...
OdpovedaťOdstrániť"I gave up on you. Love fades. Mine has"
bez debat
Jedna z nejvtipnějších:
"He has no right to threaten my boyfriends. I'm eighteen. An adult. I don't need his help. I can threaten my boyfriends myself."
A jedna taková nezařaditlná, melancholická:
"Dreams, dreams. I walk them; I live them. I delude myself with them. It's a wonder I can spot reality anymore."
"Stop," I repeated. "Don't fight anymore."
OdpovedaťOdstrániťA vůbec celá ta scéna, kdy Dimitri Rose brání je skvělá :)
Tak najprv moje druhé najobľúbenejšie (keďže prvé tu už bolo):
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThroughout my training, we'd always had a mantra: They come first. If I had really and truly screwed up my future, I'd have a new mantra: A comes first. Then B, C, D...
Adrian mal v SB naozaj požehnane veľa úžasných hlášok, ale tak najviac sa mi páči táto:
"What are you, Rose Hathaway? Are you real? You're a dream within a dream. I'm afraid touching you will make me wake up. You'll disappear."
A nemôžem si odpustiť ani túto Christianovu hlášku:
"I've seen you knock on a door harder than you're hitting me."
A napokon aj niečo od Dimitriho:
"You're beautiful in battle. Like an avenging angel come to deliver the justice of heaven."
Adrian: I don't know, the college would probably have the same problem the last one did.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťRose: What's that?
Adrian: Homework.
Jinak, většina z mých oblíbených už tu jsou, takže vidím, jaký stejný vkus na quotes máme :D
myslím že všetky moje naj sú už tu ale niektore ešte nie:
OdpovedaťOdstrániť"I think Alberta was saying that to keep me in school."
niektoré nemali chybu :D. Kikus
musím souhlasit s nejsmutnější hláškou, kterou uvedla Seesen!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťa pak třeba ještě:
"Did you know, that Victor Dashkov is sitting on your bed?"
"Eternity will be lonely without you."
"The question is: Who's capable of doing it? Gentle Girl or Drunken Sod?" His eyes flicked between Lissa and Adrian. "My wager would be on Gentle Girl."
Oooo - všetky, čo ste napísali sú super a asi by som sa aj opakovala v niektorých prípadoch, no za mňa ešte tieto:
OdpovedaťOdstrániť*po tom, čo Rose prečítala list od Dimitriho - Despite his “warm wishes”...
*“This is a lame party,” a voice suddenly said. We turned and saw that Christian had finally made his way over to us. “I couldn’t tell if we were supposed to be having a funeral or summoning the devil. It was kind of a half-assed attempt at both.”
- na tom som sa smiala na ulici jak šalena :D
*There was a slight stirring in the audience, and Tatiana’s we’re pals face grew a little cold
- arguing with Tatiana:
*. “Isn’t eighteen the legal voting age?” Checkmate, bitch
*“That,” I told Tatiana, “is the most fucked-up law I have ever heard.”
* “You could change the quorum law if you wanted, you sanctimonious bitch!”
- ale celkovo bolo vtipné, že som chodila po uliciach, pohoda Mp3 v ušiach (to aby som vás dobehla, tak som počúvala ;)) a z ničoho nič rehot :D proste krása - VA dokáže zlepšiť deň :)
"Did you know, that Victor Dashkov is sitting on your bed?"
OdpovedaťOdstrániť↑ Na tomto som sa smiala jako blázen:DD
Ďalej, no proste Adrian v SB (aj keď v tomto diely som ho extrémne neznášala) valí:D
Nathan: Tatiana spoils you, but you could learn a lot from Rufus
Adrian: True. I'd really like to know how he keeps his two mistresses a secret from his wife
a posledná, tú mávam na fórach v podpisoch -
Dimitri: You're beautiful in battle. Like an avenging angel come to deliver the justice of heaven.
Rose: Funny. That is kind of why I'm here.
Dimitri: Angels fall, Rose.