Dnes extrémne krátka slovná omáčka okolo: viete čo máte robiť, komentáre máte nižšie, 1 bod do súťaže bez ohľadu na to, koľko výrokov pošlete, o spoilery sa strachovať nemusíte, píšte akékoľvek výroky zo
Shadow Kiss/Stínem Políbená. Toť vše. Som na seba hrdá.
XY krát som si pri čítaní povedala, že aký dobrý hlod, a aká škoda, že ešte nie je téma... :D Hroma, skoro všetky som ich zabudla pamätám si iba na tento :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániť"Was it weird having a witch grandma? Scary? Was she always, like, threatening to cast spells if you were bad?"
"Most of the time she just threatened to end me to my room."
"That doesn't sound so scary to me."
"That's because you haven't met her."
V SK milujem predovšetkým hlášky Rose a Christiana :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťChristian: "You did not just say that. I have a feeling we're on the verge of hugging and coming up with cute nicknames for eachother."
Rose: "I alreasdy have a nickname for you, but I'll get in trouble if I say it in class."
No aj rozhovor s Rose a Dimitrim na začiatku knihy nemal chybu :D Pridávam len skrátenú verziu:
Rose: "I was testing dorm security.It sucks." "What are you doing out here? Are you testing security too?"
Dimitri: "I am security. This is my watch."
Rose: "Well, good work. I'm glad I was able to help test your awesome skills."
A samozrejme aj Adrian mal zopár úžasných hlášok. Ja osobne mám najradšej jeho:
"My cigarettes and I are going outside. At least they show me respect."
Taky už jsem je všechny zapomněla, ale na terapii s Deirdrou se zapomenou nedá:
OdpovedaťOdstrániť“Do you feel like you have a problem with intimate contact?”
“What do you—? Oh. No! Of course not.”
“Have you ever had sex with anyone?”
“No. Are you saying I should have?”
“Do you think you should have?”
Damn. I’d thought I had her. I’d thought for sure she wouldn’t have a question for that one.
Miška: Nieeee! Práve si napísala 3 výroky zo 4, ktoré som si poznačila že ich sem musím poslať :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťRose: "Come on, You know me. Do you really think I'd do this? Abandon Christian and make myself look stupid on purpose just to get back at my teachers?"
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLissa: "No, You'd probably do it in a way where you wouldn't get caught."
Rose: "Dimitri said the same thing. I'm glad everyone has so much faith in me."
"Even I make mistakes. I know it's hard to believe-kind of suprises me myself-but I guess it has to happen. It's probably some kind of karmic way to balance out the universe. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair to have one person so full of awesomeness."
Rose: "I did it because I love you," I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And really, it was.
Dimitri: "You can sum up in one sentence what it takes me a whole speech to get out."
Rose: "Because it`s that simple. I love you, and I don`t want to keep pretending that I don`t."
SK bol plný tých hlášok.. aj tých pekných, aj tých vtipných:)
Inak, nech sa zamýšľam akokoľvek, nechápem Adrianovej básničke:
Rose is in red
But never in blue
Sharp as a thorn
Fights like one too.
Má nejaký hlbší zmysel, alebo je to len zhatlanina prvého, čo ho napadlo (teda tipujem, že je, ale zmysel by mať mohla:D)?
Tá celá časť s tým "You can sum up in one sentence what it takes me a whole speech to get out." bola podľa mňa v knihe pure awesomeness ♥
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDarjaille - to s tou básňou je variácia na poem, čo sa píše do valentínok :D Originál znie
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Suger is Sweet,
And so are You.
"No tak,mě bys přece neuhodila.Na to mám moc hezký obličej."
OdpovedaťOdstrániť"Ne dost hezkej na to,aby to vynahradilo ten odpornej karcinogení kouř,co mi foukáš přímo do ksichtu."
Judit: tak to mi je vážne ľúto :D :D Zaujímalo by ma, či by som trafila všetky štyri, ak by som napísala štyri :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániť„Na mě se tahle pravidla nevztahují, Rose. Nejsem student
OdpovedaťOdstrániťani zaměstnanec. Jsem svobodný duch kráčející vaší skvělou
„Tak to už bys měl odkráčet.“
Tahle věta mě VÁŽNĚ rozesměje pokaždý :D
Hlášky medzi Rose a Christianom su jednoducho super ale aj niektoré Rosine myšlienky:
OdpovedaťOdstrániťBože,“ zabrblala jsem a spustila nohy z postele. Přemohlo mě zívnutí. Copak Lissa s Christianem neudrží ruce od sebe aspoň do nějaké přijatelné denní doby? Kikus
Adrian: People who are crazy rarely question whether they're crazy.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDimitri: I realized how much you meant to me. It changed everything… And it became useless to try to act like I could ever put any Moroi life above yours.
Dimitri: We try to do what’s right, or rather, what others say is right. But sometimes, when that goes against who we are… you have to choose…
Dimitri: I also have a feeling your mother’s going to have a very ugly conversation with me.
Rose: Yeah. We were badasses.
Rose: I set off, off to kill the man that I loved.
No dám aj ja svoje...
OdpovedaťOdstrániť- okrem všetkých, čo uviedla Miška som si neskôr do zbierky doplnila:
"Took things a bit far, didn't you?"
I turned around and saw Ryan and Camille walking several steps back. If I'd been a guy, the appropriate response would have been, "You mean with your mom?"
Christian stood up, glancing around as though Victor might be in the library. "I'm going to go take care of this right now."
"Sure," said Adrian. "I bet going in there and kicking down the door will change their minds. Take Rose with you, and you guys'll make a really good impression."
"If you touch me," I said pleasantly, "I'll provide you with the opportunity to see if you can heal yourself.
Tento úsek bol pre mňa najtragickejší, hoci to nie je tak úplne ich posledný pohľad ale je to ich posledný spoločný inzenzívny pohľad, tesne pred tým, než Dimitri...no šak viete
"I walked with the novices, but every once in a while, I'd glance over and meet Dimitri's eyes. I felt like there was an invisible bond between us now, so thick and intense that it was a wonder everyone couldn't see it. His face was battle-serious, but I saw the smile in his eyes."
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